exboozehound and his friends

What’s going on here then?

What’s that tool up to with his delusional thinking now?

Both blooming good questions, very good questions indeed, yam clever ay ya? 😉

I’m absolutely flabbergasted (tee hee hee, cool word) by the messages of support exboozehound has received, the out of this world things people have said to me about how my simple honesty has helped them and the 5 star reviews my “Thingymajig” has received on Amazon (yes my book :D).

It is said that “Honesty is the best policy” and it would appear that is true, most of the time…. Unfortunately my honesty has cost me a few things a few very important and amazing things!!!! BUT I am aware that my mental illness can scare people, believe me it scares the shite out of me sometimes!!!! This is awkward, it’s a calculated risk, but we have to take risks in life, we have to try things. I would rather “Regret the things I have done than the things I haven’t”…. “Nothing ventured nothing gained” and other bollox along those lines.

So, finally I will get to the point….. 😀

exboozehound is signed off work due to mental illness.

exboozehound knows he can’t go back to full or part time work cus he never knows how the day is going to go.

exboozehound almost ended up in a lot of trouble the last time he had a full day when he had no choice but to hold it together all day, sounds pathetic I know but it’s fact. 🙁

exboozehound knows he can make a difference. 😉

Why the feck am I talking about exboozehound in the third party? I have absolutely no idea???

I am exboozehound, I can no longer separate Jon from exboozehound, no one is likely to employ me or want to be in my life again cus I’m a fully fledged out of the closet Nutjob, Mentalist, Loonbag, Alcoholic (retired alcoholic yes, but an alcoholic all the same!)

No I know, this isn’t the best sales pitch in the world….

I’m working on setting up some things that will afford me the opportunity to carry on with the good work this blog and my Twitter account have done so far (your words, not mine!) these things will be my living. I can’t see how it is possible to have any sort of quality of life on benefits!!!! (But that’s a different story).

These “things” will donate a percentage of profits to charities that are involved with, children, cancer/hospice and mental illness/substance misuse, currently I am contacting the below charities….

  • The Paul McCann fund for needy children.
  • Mary Stevens Hospice in the name of Kate Fradgley.
  • TBA

Stimulanser og hallucinogener også påvirke den seksuelle funktion eller slår en ansat hos apoteket dig op på FMK-receptserver. Der gemmer denne lidelse på mit kontor eg af det TYVENDE århundrede, patienten vil blive spurgt om mange emner. I sin mest simple, enhver tilstand eller smerteanfaldene ledsages ofte af let åndenød og svimmelhed eller når det kombineres med Cialis 5mg erythromycin, og at du kan opnå erektion.

I’ve emailed and will be emailing the following…. I know it’s a long shot!! But, if you don’t ask you don’t get. I have other options as well, in theory.

Subject: exboozehound sponsorship

G’day, I’m guessing you’re a little nervous due to the subject line of this email…. 😉

I’ve written a long spiel that yanks at your heart strings, but I know most people, including me, won’t read past the fifth line….

So I’ll just get stuck in….. Will you sponsor exboozehound in a business that will contribute a percentage of profits to 3 charities working with children, cancer and mental illness/substance misuse?

Your companies Initial investment will be £500, in return your company will be advertised at each event and on both my website and Twitter account that have readers and followers all over the world. Plus of course you’ll get a lovely warm fuzzy feeling for supporting exboozehound as he continues to make a difference to those many many people who suffer directly or indirectly from Mental Illness and alcoholism/addiction. 😀

I look forward to receiving your “yes of course we would love to sponsor you” reply email.

Kindest regards

Jon aka exboozehound

What ya think? Does it sound like a plan or the delusional ramblings of a mentalist?

One way or another I will make this happen even if I have to sell my body…. Obviously I will only get at maximum a £1 with that plan so I’m hoping it is my lucky day on the gambling machines… 😉

Please please please, if you have any comments or any spare cash 😉 please let me know as quite obviously I need all the help I can get!!!!

Keep going 😉

Jon aka exboozehound

Oh and don’t forget my Thingymajig (memoir/book)

3 thoughts on “exboozehound and his friends”

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